Thursday, January 26, 2012

Rare Business Opportunities for those ages 18-29

Opportunity For GenY Prospects at World Conference

Please read the following message carefully as this is a great opportunity for us to capitalize on the excitement and energy of World Conference to grow our business! Also, please find a timely message from one of our fastest growing Generation Y UnFranchise owners, Cheyn Crangle. You can also find an updated MAWC Agenda.


In an effort to capitalize on your attendance and the excitement of the 2012 World Conference for the purpose of attracting Generation Y prospects to our business, Market America is making a special offer.

For the first 200 responses, Any Distributor who brings a GenY (18-29 years old) PROSPECT to the World Conference, Market America will provide free admission. This offer is for the entire World Conference; however, it is recommended that the GenY prospects attend the Super Breakout on Friday night so they will be able to evaluate our business plan.

Please note: there is a limit to the number of GenY prospects we can accomodate.


Tuesday Cheyn Crangle Young Business Owners & Friends -

We are young, we are considered “wet behind the ears”, we are considered clueless when it comes to business standards and money. Does this sit well with you? For most of us, we were attracted to the money. Money is a driving factor for most people in life. I’m here to tell you as living proof – all things can be accomplished with this business. Don’t believe you can make $1,500 a week? Don’t believe you can change your entire future for the better? Don’t believe that our generation is going to change the way entrepreneurs get ahead? Don’t believe that powered by Market America is THE most powerful business model for the average person to create a disgusting amount of money? Then leave.

As a business owner you automatically set yourself apart from your drunk college friends, lazy significant others, and “crossed fingers” college students hoping they get a job. I really, 100% want you to look at the alternative. You going to work the rest of your life?!!! You are part of an elite part of society – AN ENTREPRENEUR. As an entrepreneur you completely hold unlimited income potential in your hands. You are now DRIVING your vehicle for the future. Now, just like any driver, you can get lost. That’s where I come in. As a leader of our Young IMPACT Team I have already made the mistakes, fumbled the ball, and fell on the sword. I can prevent almost all downfalls from happening, I just need you to do one thing – BELIEVE.

The next forty years of your life are going to pass. Will you spend it working for someone else or working for yourself? It’s time to leave the excuses at home and blaze a real trail for 20-30 year olds. Again, don’t believe it can be done? DON’T PARTICIPATE! We are going to do this with or without you, I know you can see this already! Our time is now. Have you completed your names list? Are you attending all major events? Are you showing the business plan to one person per week? Are you establishing one new customer per week? These are the small steps that build a true residual income. I look forward to taking this journey with all of you! I’ll see everyone in Miami! Our time is now!

Tireless – Cheyn

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